
The Institute for Underwater Research is regularly involved with various limnology, biology, and geology research expeditions on Okanagan Lake.


IFUR specializes in producing high-resolution and high-accuracy bathymetric maps of local lakes. New underwater formations which were previously unknown have been discovered in both Okanagan Lake, as well as in Wood Lake. During the summer of 2015, IFUR became involved in the task of producing the first ever high-accuracy map of Wood Lake. This information is of interest to individuals conducting aquatic research on Wood Lake regarding fisheries and limnology.


Freshwater science, also known as limnology, is the study of the biological, chemical and physical components of freshwater bodies such as inland lakes and rivers. The Institute for Underwater Research is involved in performing limnology experiments on Okanagan Lake which collect data on water quality and quantity. Collecting information on water clarity, temperatures and nutrients are just a few of our regular measurements which provide vital information on how the lake system is functioning. IFUR has contributed data to local environmental consultants and freshwater scientists, and continues to regularly monitor regions of Okanagan Lake and its tributaries for pollution, excess nutrient influx, and the health of the various aquatic systems.


Freshwater science can be viewed as a “developing” field that will definitely receive much more attention as we progress further into the 21st century. This Earth & Environmental science specialization is incredibly diverse, and contains studies on: hydrology, geomorphology, limnology, aquatic plants (flora), lake morphometry (bathymetry), to name only a few.

Potamogeton crispus
Sediment Sample